Best Mindset Books

Book rating updated 11.05.2024

Master your mind! Best mindset books of all time sorted by rating. Popular books to change your mindset recommended by Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Sam Altman, Robert Kiyosaki, Ray Dalio, Mr. Beast and other famous people.

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow

    42 429 ratings
    Recommended by: Bill Gates, Sam Altman, Ray Dalio and 10 others
    In this highly insightful exploration, the author guides the reader through the two systems that drive the way we think, from fast, intuitive, and emotional System 1 to slow, more deliberative, and more logical System 2. The book gives a series of examples, which are very thought-provoking, that could help an individual gain a sense of how our biases affect us and how we are less rational than one would imagine. It provokes the reader to think in considering the complexities of how man thinks, and provides some very practical insights in how man might make better decisions in his personal and professional life.
  2. Think and Grow Rich

    73 740 ratings
    Napoleon Hill
    This is a book about power of personal beliefs in making way to success. The thought given here is that through a positive mental attitude, a person can overcome anything and can get what they wish. The author mentions insights from lives of prosperous people that highlight the key role of persistence, self-confidence, and clear vision. They are recommended to be the leading principles in all undertakings; and actually, readers are encouraged to struggle to be wealthy. It's a guide to transforming one's mindset to not only think but also grow rich.
  3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

    144 935 ratings
    Throughout the book, the author keeps up a contrarian streak, asserting that it is better to accept our limits and to take some of the discomforts in life on their own terms. Combining candid stories with profane wisdom, it argues for focusing on what we really want to do, rather than trying to please everybody, or pretending we can accomplish anything. The main essence is truly about finding peace in learning to let go of this pursuit of the perfect, unrealistic, against all odds. It is a guide for leading a grounded, happier life by caring less about the trivia and more about what's genuinely important.
  4. The Power of Now

    59 828 ratings
    This book leads readers on a path to spiritual enlightenment that argues one of the most significant sources of human suffering is located in the attachment to past experiences and future anxieties. In the "Now," one can find a path to achieving inner peace and personal growth. The author, Eckhart Tolle, is the teacher who is able to combine a huge number of wisdom from various spiritual teachings and real-life examples in order to feel life. This transformative work encourages a shift in consciousness, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.
  5. The Four Agreements

    111 635 ratings
    Don Miguel Ruiz
    This book presents a powerful code of conduct derived from ancient Toltec wisdom. The book has a down-to-earth approach to personal freedom and advocates four essential agreements which a person has to make with himself: to be impeccable with the word, not to take anything personally, not to make any assumptions, and always to be the best. These are to be the principles that change lives by understanding, reduce conflicts, increase joy and love. This is the road map to breaking free from limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and cause needless suffering. Ideal for anyone seeking a life of greater fulfillment and happiness.
  6. The Obstacle Is the Way

    26 538 ratings
    Ryan Holiday
    It is a book based on the philosophy of Stoicism, and it deals with the fact that obstacles in life should not be considered as hindering factors but rather as occasions or opportunities for growth and for the betterment in one's life. It basically inculcates an idea in us on how to take problems and in fact use them to our advantage, thus paving our paths on to success. Through countless historical stories and actionable advice, this book appears to demonstrate that defeat can be converted into victory, that obstacles can be converted into opening new paths towards success, and that trials can be converted into triumphs. This guide offers a framework for facing any difficulty with resilience and turning problems into powerful solutions.
  7. Mindset

    21 404 ratings
    Carol S. Dweck
    In the book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," the author Carol S. Dweck introduces to the readers the tremendous power of our minds to shape our lives. She introduces the concept of the fixed mindset and growth mindset in which a fixed mindset would mean believing in some static abilities and thus fearing failure. On the other hand, a growth mindset looks at challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Dweck has evidenced that people with a growth mindset tend to be more successful and satisfied with life. "This book provides hands-on guidance for nurturing the growth mindset in ourselves and others, breaking free from the fixed mindsets by which we approach our goals and challenges.
  8. Start with Why

    36 169 ratings
    Simon Sinek
    Recommended by: Tom Bilyeu, Jim Kwik, Jay Shetty
    The book that introduced the concept of starting with the "why" in business and personal life. Explaining that the cause, belief, purpose, and action of a person is ignited by knowing why one does what he does. He gives examples of the leaders and companies that have either succeeded or failed to illustrate how starting with 'why' inspires others, fosters innovation, and leads to lasting achievements. The author underscores that it is very crucial to exert one's actions according to the core belief in order to shine, create loyal followings, and realize long-term successes. It is like a guideline for anybody who wants to inspire or to be inspired in which practical advice of its realization is given.
  9. The Magic of Thinking Big

    16 867 ratings
    David Schwartz
    This book is going to help change your life by unlocking the power of positive thinking and helping you realize your dreams. You'll discover how to set high aims, think confidently, and overcome fear of failure, all while improving your productivity and self-discipline. Learn practical strategies for leading a more successful and fulfilling life by changing the way you think about yourself and your possibilities. It's all about attitude, focusing more on actions rather than excuses, and developing a mindset that attracts success. Ideal for anyone looking to expand their horizons and reach their full potential.
  10. Emotional Intelligence

    12 389 ratings
    Daniel Goleman
    Recommended by: Robert Kiyosaki
    In this book, the author enlightens the importance of emotional intelligence, indicating how it is as much important as one's IQ to succeed in life. He portrays emotional intelligence as involving understanding and management of one's feelings, harnessing the power of emotions, the ability to empathize with other people, and managing social complexity. He proves that these are, for sure, skills that can be learned and developed through efficient strategies of enhancing awareness and relations with other people. He modifies the traditional point of view on intellect by showing that emotional skills are of the utmost importance in personal and professional success.
  11. High Performance Habits

    5 887 ratings
    Brendon Burchard
    Recommended by: Jim Kwik
    In his book, Burchard lays down core habits, which one can adapt in order to stay successful and happy forever. He outlines practices like seeking clarity, generating energy, raising necessity, increasing productivity, developing influence, showing courage as the bedrock for trying to reach high performance in anything one engages in, either in business or private life, through research and personal experiences.
  12. The Scout Mindset

    1 542 ratings
    Julia Galef
    Recommended by: Vitalik Buterin
    Insightful inquiry into the virtue and gains of being in a curious mind-setting rather than one for rightness or affirmation, indeed a book delving into the powers and practices of changing one's mind: strategies that can result in better decisions, resilience, and, in general, how one might engage with the world more workably. It is a guide to clearer thinking and more accurate beliefs.
  13. The Greatness Mindset

    1 284 ratings
    Lewis Howes
    This definitive guide to harnessing the power of your mindset and pushing yourself toward greatness in all areas of life's challenges provides insights and practical strategies for unleashing your full potential. Drawing on interviews conducted by the author with elite achievers in a variety of fields, he identifies the crucial fixed and growth mindsets and daily routine adjustments that spark remarkable performance. The book offers easy-to-execute strategies for vanquishing limited beliefs and embracing challenges, ensuring that you take massive action in the direction of your goals to create lasting change. It is inspiring and practical for anyone desirous of leading an extraordinary life.
  14. The Wealth Mindset

    1 100 ratings
    Neville Goddard
    A great, practical book that studies the psychic and metaphysical laws governing the creation of wealth, based upon the work of Neville Goddard, a mystic and philosopher of the last century. It postulates that our inner concepts are what make up our outer reality, including our money. This book offers practical exercises and techniques to develop a growth mindset and habits around wealth, such as visualization, affirmations, and letting go of limiting beliefs. Successful people often cite this book as one they need to start reading to transform their financial lives.
  15. Change Your Mindset To Achieve Success

    194 ratings
    Ale A. Heinen
    This book provides a structured approach to the psychological restructuring of negative thought patterns into a positive and growth-oriented outlook, facilitating personal change and personal transformation. The techniques presented are derived from modern research in neuroscience and psychology and are designed to foster continuous learning and the development of one's talents and abilities. The guide is highly practical, breaking down limited beliefs and harnessing their full potential to bring real and meaningful success in any area of life.
  16. The Fast Forward Mindset

    96 ratings
    David Schnurman
    This practical guide to personal development provides new insights on how to accelerate your results and achieve your goals sooner. You'll learn how to change your mindset, unlock any roadblock, take big chances, and recognize opportunities. The book emphasizes the importance of adopting the right mindset, taking smart risks, and surrounding yourself with a strong support network of like-minded individuals. With a growth-oriented approach and the right environment, you'll be well-equipped to overcome challenges and achieve your dreams.


  • What are the best mindset books ever written?

    These are the top 10 best books to change your mindset of all time and for this year (2024) sorted by rating:

    • "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck
    • "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
    • "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale
    • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey
    • "The Growth Mindset Coach" by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley
    • "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod
    • "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
    • "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
    • "The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins
    • "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy.
  • What are the most popular authors of books to improve mindset?

    Here are authors of good books for building a successful mindset:

    • Carol Dweck ("Mindset")
    • Ryan Holiday ("The Obstacle Is the Way," "Ego Is the Enemy," "Stillness Is the Key")
    • Angela Duckworth ("Grit")
    • Shawn Achor ("The Happiness Advantage," "Big Potential")
    • James Clear ("Atomic Habits")
    • Steven Covey ("The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People")
    • Napoleon Hill ("Think and Grow Rich")
    • Tony Robbins ("Awaken the Giant Within," "Unlimited Power").
  • What book should you start with to explore the topic of "building a successful mindset"?

    List of must read books for a better mindset:

    1. "Mindset" by Carol Dweck
    2. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey
    3. "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield with Janet Switzer.
  • What books to change your mindset do famous people recommend?

    These are the top 10 most recommended books about mindset from famous people:

    1. "Mindset" by Carol Dweck - recommended by Bill Gates (Microsoft co-founder)
    2. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey - recommended by Arianna Huffington (Thrive Global founder)
    3. "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale - recommended by Donald Trump (former U.S. President)
    4. "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins - recommended by Oprah Winfrey (media executive)
    5. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - recommended by Daymond John (FUBU founder)
    6. "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz - recommended by Tim Ferriss (podcaster)
    7. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - recommended by Tony Robbins (life coach)
    8. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson - recommended by Will Smith (actor)
    9. "Grit" by Angela Duckworth - recommended by Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO)
    10. "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander - recommended by Elizabeth Gilbert.