Timothy Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur, and public speaker. He is best known for his books and podcasts which provide advice on lifestyle design, health optimization, learning skills quickly, and business acceleration.
Timothy FerrisssourcePerhaps the most incredibly detailed and oddly believable fictional landscape I’ve ever encountered
Timothy FerrisssourceI highly, highly recommend this book. It has already changed how I think about making decisions in my life and in my business
The Power of Habit
The Obstacle Is the Way
Timothy FerrisssourceIt has helped me to turn problems upside-down, become the calm within the storm, and even uncover unique opportunities
The Ride of a Lifetime
Timothy FerrisssourceThe negotiation stories with Steve Jobs alone make this book worth the read
The E-Myth
Timothy FerrisssourceIf you’re stuck in your own business, this book can help you get unstuck
Open: An Autobiography
On Writing
Timothy FerrisssourceGreat book!
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!
The Lessons of History
Timothy FerrisssourceI encourage people to think of as an Elements of Style for building profitable businesses in a web-savvy world
How to Change Your Mind
Timothy FerrisssourceHuge thanks to Michael for writing one of my favorite books of the last five years
Timothy FerrisssourceThe book "Awareness" by Anthony de Mello and another book called "Already Free"