Best Law of Attraction Books

Book rating updated 9.05.2024

Attract positive change! List of the best law of attraction books of all time sorted by rating. The most popular and recommended LOA books.

  1. Think and Grow Rich

    73 740 ratings
    Napoleon Hill
    This is a book about power of personal beliefs in making way to success. The thought given here is that through a positive mental attitude, a person can overcome anything and can get what they wish. The author mentions insights from lives of prosperous people that highlight the key role of persistence, self-confidence, and clear vision. They are recommended to be the leading principles in all undertakings; and actually, readers are encouraged to struggle to be wealthy. It's a guide to transforming one's mindset to not only think but also grow rich.
  2. The Power of Now

    59 828 ratings
    This book leads readers on a path to spiritual enlightenment that argues one of the most significant sources of human suffering is located in the attachment to past experiences and future anxieties. In the "Now," one can find a path to achieving inner peace and personal growth. The author, Eckhart Tolle, is the teacher who is able to combine a huge number of wisdom from various spiritual teachings and real-life examples in order to feel life. This transformative work encourages a shift in consciousness, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.
  3. The Four Agreements

    111 635 ratings
    Don Miguel Ruiz
    This book presents a powerful code of conduct derived from ancient Toltec wisdom. The book has a down-to-earth approach to personal freedom and advocates four essential agreements which a person has to make with himself: to be impeccable with the word, not to take anything personally, not to make any assumptions, and always to be the best. These are to be the principles that change lives by understanding, reduce conflicts, increase joy and love. This is the road map to breaking free from limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and cause needless suffering. Ideal for anyone seeking a life of greater fulfillment and happiness.
  4. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

    71 556 ratings
    Joseph Murphy
    Recommended by: Anna Akana
    This author investigates human potential and suggests, in fact, that changing subconscious beliefs and thoughts can bring about big changes in life. He reveals a combination of psychological understanding with pragmatic methods in order to unlock wealth, accomplishment, and the well-being of health.
  5. The Secret

    42 950 ratings
    Rhonda Byrne
    Recommended by: Steve Harvey
    Discover simple principles that unlock the power of the universe to manifest all your desires—the Law of Attraction. This guide shows that thoughts shape reality and thus presumes that only positive thinking can give all the positive outcomes in life, health, wealth, and happiness. The knowledge and the use of this law help the readers to draw in their life all they want and take out all they do not like. Conjoining the old knowledge with modern success stories, the story present to the reader practical exercises to turn thought into concrete success. Ideal for those seeking to change their mindset and improve their overall quality of life.
  6. Becoming Supernatural

    19 676 ratings
    Dr. Joe Dispenza
    Recommended by: Anna Akana, Aaron Doughty
    Dr. Joe Dispenza seamlessly marries the fields of cutting-edge science with spiritual wisdom for helping everyday people live an extraordinary life. This book offers the reader scientific knowledge, practical tools, and a variety of meditations to learn how you can go beyond ordinary human experiences towards profound personal transformation and the ability to manifest new realities.
  7. As a Man Thinketh

    11 998 ratings
    James Allen
    Recommended by: Robert Kiyosaki, Bob Proctor
    The concept, therefore, is based on the power of thoughts as they shape one's life and its undertones that a person's character, health, and circumstances in life are direct results of his or her thoughts. He suggests that if a person controls and directs their thought, they can control their circumstances and destiny. The story is at once philosophical and practical in its explanation of what positive thinking actually means, how to go about developing it, and in the process getting rid of negative feelings, and how to work towards the goals in a person's life. A reminder for all time, the mind is the master weaver both of inner character and outer circumstances. It's an encouragement for the reader in using such powers for creating the desired life.
  8. Ask and It Is Given

    15 228 ratings
    Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks
    This spiritual self-help book introduces the concept of the Law of Attraction and provides techniques for manifesting desires. The Hicks present 22 processes for aligning oneself with universal energy to attract positive outcomes. They emphasize the importance of emotional awareness and maintaining a high vibrational frequency. The book offers exercises for clarifying desires, releasing resistance, and cultivating a positive mindset.
  9. You Can Heal Your Life

    15 052 ratings
    Louise Hay
    This old classic is a good piece of self-help to start learning how our mind and body are related, and how positive thinking can heal most, if not all, physical and mental diseases. It suggests that the thoughts and beliefs we harbor in our minds are what create our lives; and if we would change our lives, we would have to change our way of thinking. It offers practical exercises and affirmations in breaking free from negative patterns and gaining self-love to begin living a healthy, happy, and abundant life.
  10. The Power

    10 987 ratings
    Rhonda Byrne
    Looks at the premise of law of attraction, and how life might be turned around, makes a case that thoughts and emotions concentrated on what one wants to achieve can actually manifest in physical reality if one's desires, thus creating a life of abundance and joy. It includes exercises and methods that allow one to tap into the powers of positive thinking and visualization. The book is a perennial bestseller, with million copies sold to date and causing a great stir.
  11. The Universe Has Your Back

    11 021 ratings
    Gabrielle Bernstein
    This is a spiritual help book that teaches one how to shift from fear into faith and turn to a higher power. It explains some tools and practical exercises in the release of thoughts, embracing the inner peace that is cultivated in the path, and going with the flow of the Universe. It helps the readers to move past different types of barriers in leading their lives with purpose and joy, using the techniques of meditation, mindfulness, and manifesting.
  12. The Power of Intention

    3 804 ratings
    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
    Recommended by: Ellen DeGeneres
    The book really gets down to the idea that if your intentions create reality, then indeed this is your interpretation of connecting to a higher energy that allows personal and professional empowerment. It gives an insight into how to harness this power in creating purposeful life and fulfillment while standing on a positive mindset and realization through spirituality.
  13. Law of Attraction

    2 880 ratings
    Michael J. Losier
    Recommended by: Andy Frisella
    It explains how one can effectively curate and bring to oneself one's desires and aspirations through focused intentions and positive thinking, providing context to each aspect reviewed. It explains the law of attraction with a step-by-step process to its actualization through practical exercises that help people align their thoughts and actions with personal goals, ensuring a comprehensive review of each step within the broader context of personal development.
  14. Money, and the Law of Attraction

    2 760 ratings
    Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks
    One of the great guides in turning great financial wealth is through thinking positively and the law of attraction. It teaches how to change thoughts, beliefs held about money, and actions performed, corresponding to wanted outcomes. Presents practical exercises and techniques for setting financial goals, addressing limiting beliefs, and developing an abundant mentality. Based on laws of the universe, manifestation, and the philosophies of Abraham-Hicks.
  15. Reality transurfing

    1 558 ratings
    Vadim Zeland
    Recommended by: Aaron Doughty, Iman Gadzhi
    This revolutionary book presents an entirely new way of relating to reality and provokes readers to reconsider life, destiny, and indeed the essence of reality. It lays down a path for "transurfing" reality using the energy of consciousness in shaping the desired outcomes. Taking us through practical advice combined with thought-inducing concepts, the intention of the book is to drive one to become more in line with their very own reality through changing intentions and attitudes.


  • What are the best law of attraction books ever written?

    These are the top 10 best books on law of attraction of all time and for this year (2024) sorted by rating:

    • "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
    • "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
    • "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
    • "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy
    • "The Law of Attraction" by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
    • "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles
    • "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne
    • "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne
    • "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel
    • "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay.
  • What are the most popular authors of law of attraction books?

    Here are authors of good books about LOA:

    • Rhonda Byrne ("The Secret," "The Power," "The Magic")
    • Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks ("Ask and It Is Given," "The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent")
    • Napoleon Hill ("Think and Grow Rich," "The Law of Success")
    • Bob Proctor ("You Were Born Rich," "The ABCs of Success")
    • William Walker Atkinson ("Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World")
    • Joe Vitale ("The Attractor Factor," "Zero Limits")
    • Jack Canfield ("The Success Principles," "Key to Living the Law of Attraction")
    • Louise Hay ("You Can Heal Your Life," "The Power Is Within You").
  • What are the best books on the law of attraction for beginners?

    List of must read law of attraction and assumption books you should study to get started:

    1. "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
    2. "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer
    3. "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks.