Matthew McConaughey: A popular American movie actor and producer, known by his strange appearance in movies such as "The Dallas Buyers Club," and "Interstellar." He also became known to the public by his very unusual voice and unexplainable charm on the screen.
The Greatest Salesman in the World
Matthew McConaugheysourceThat book helped me form an identity. It gave me confidence and courage to make the choice
Play Nice But Win
Matthew McConaugheysourceAn autobiographical thriller, and Michael Dell is the gangster protagonist
Self Reliance
Matthew McConaugheysourceWhoa, I got to take a walk for a few days and try to put this philosophy out there and see what kind of reverb I get back from the world. Self-Reliance is like 17 pages, and it took me two months to read it
The Over-Soul
Matthew McConaugheysourceEmerson’s essays, Self-Reliance and The Over-Soul in particular, also made a major impact on my life and my confidence